samedi 3 octobre 2009

Une Frontière, Deux Mondes - One Border, Two Worlds (4/4)

Revealing: take over of the Guards, followed by the lower of the flag at the indo-pakistani border, near Amritsar - north India (Punjab state). A "show" which is welcoming lots of people, "waking up" the nationalist pride of both Indian and Pakistani people. Still they don't meet due to the border between them.
More context about partition here.

Révélation : il s'agit de la relève de la Garde, et du baisser du drapeau à la frontière indo-pakistanaise, non loin d'Amritsar au nord de l'Inde (état du Penjab). Un spectacle qui attire les foules, réveille la fierté nationaliste des indiens et des pakistanais, qui ne se croisent pas car la frontière les sépare. Pour plus de contexte historique, un lien vers un de nos Blogs Ami, "Indiablognote" (en français) et quelques articles publiés sur la partition.

7 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…


as a border for me comes close to being a cliff, one can only hope that it take one or two more generations to make it 'a bridge'.

Owen a dit…

I'm not sure I'd want to have to strut around in public with a big red crest on my had... having red hair is already colorful enough... but then I guess there are not too many Indian people with red hair, except maybe a few who may have had an Irish great grandfather from back in Colonial times ? I guess I read somewhere that in Afghanistan there are some fair-skinned light-haired people supposedly descended from Alexander the Great's army...

Kcalpesh a dit…

Attention! Cool photographs of the borders!

- Pixellicious Photos

Anonyme a dit…

Salut Loulou, défilé militaire beau, félicitations.

jeff a dit…

Alors, j'avais tout faux ! ! ! En guise de chevaux, il y a un magnifique défilé !...
Pas mal aussi !

Bisous Loulou !
Ciao bella...;-)

Loulou a dit…

@ Robert: a bridge, if only.... at present, relationship between Pakistan and Indian is not so brilliant....

@ Owen: Never met such Indian type of people yet... but who knows? This country is huge and full of surprises! take care

@ Kcalpesh: yep!

@ Foto Lucian: merci, gracias

@ Jeff: tu as essayé, osé, c'est déjà beaucoup !
Cette marche militaire du côté indien, puis pakistanais en miroir est impressionnante. Les gens chantent, crient, saluent leurs représentants, porteurs du drapeau à la fin de la "cérémonie". Quelle fierté nationale !.....

Thank you everybody for "playing the game" :-)
Bon weekend

ArtSparker a dit…

Wow, that headgear...very inspiring.