mercredi 15 avril 2009

Main bazar, Mandawa

Shekhawati, Rajasthan

5 commentaires:

Owen a dit…

Bonjour Loulou, There you go again, working your special magic... I love the backdrop here, the texture in the wall, the yellow plastic crates... you really have the eye for putting it all together, and the camel just happened to be passing by at the right time. . . thank you for helping us travel, vicariously...

Alex a dit…

Hi Loulou, As Owen said you've done it again, this is a great foto it has the lot, colour, character, and much much more, well done.

Arnaud a dit…

Always good balance between subject, color saturation and artistic view. Really impressive knowing you shot this one with an old compact. Clearly shows that whatever the camera, the most important is the photographer !
Well done !

Loulou a dit…

@ Owen: too much, really! But there is something true in your saying.. INDIA has something magic, we can not control, it is here and luckily, sometimes we succeed in capturing its light and...magics! :-)

@ Alex: Mandawa, I mean that part of Rajasthan is really stunning and we, simple human beings, should stay humble, always....anyway, THANK YOU!

@ Arnaud: my dear old compact one as you said could make it, funny enough.... For the others, and so that you know, back to early April, my camera (a Pentax one) was stolen together with a travel bag, in Jaipur and since then, I try to comment....
Anyway, thanks for nice comment, my Indian counterpart ;-)

Álvaro a dit…

Another great photo full of color and light. Your last portrait is fantastic. I´m sorry for your camera.