Remember how me and friends wanted to find out, either through lifting of stones, climbing trees etc. Guess it is very important to dare to find out, as it includes also to be 'second strongest'. Excuse for missing to leave comments, but time went 'too fast' and I am still a step behind. Please have a nice start into the new week/month.
Pourquoi ? 'faut qui en ai un qui soit plus fort ? Moi je les trouve très forts tous les deux ! 'sûr qui en a un qui est plus fort... mais en quoi et pourquoi...? Ahlala ! Notre monde occidental cultive le "challenge" ( j'adore ce mot... je ne sais pas pourquoi d'ailleurs ?... ) et... et je déteste ça plus que tout ! Bisous très très forts Loulou !
@Jeff34 : Es tu si sur que ce soit le monde occidental qui cultive le challenge ? Jette un œil à la description (par une occidentale) de la pre-school indienne où va son fils : Je pense que la compétition existe depuis toujours et dans toutes les cultures. La loi de la jungle...euh pardon, du plus fort a toujours été de mise.
This is such a charming photo. I love pictures of kids like this, you can imagine how they tick, what their lives are like, their dreams and ambitions.. it's all there on their face, written in innocence. As for whose strongest, isn't there a saying about "it's always the quiet ones"?...
Beautiful photographs, LouLou. Wonderful to visit India via your site. I'm wondering if you and your friends in India would be interested to contribute your work to an exhibition in NYC September 10.
The details are here:
@Arnaud : C'est pas un scoop... La loi du plus fort existe depuis... loin ! Pour moi, c'est toute la connotation qu'il y a derrière le mot "challenge" qui ne me plait pas ! La compétition se partage ensemble... Un "challenge" est un défi et isole les individus ! C'est mon point de vue !...
Hi Loulou, I think it is the taller boy on the right side of the photo... not because he is taller, but because he has his bottle of magic strength potion in his hand (sort of like Asterix)?
"When asked which picture is my best, I answer: I hope to shoot it tomorrow", Marc Riboud.
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or your daily 'rendez vous' with India since 2008!
Not Just Furniture Ikea S Restaurant Bistro And Food Market Will Be Closed
Too Home Decor Singapore Ikea Restaurant Ikea Meatballs Ikea Singapore Ikea
*Tetti sottani - Pradeboni ( Piémont italien )*
*Comme il est bien malin mon ami Nanni, mon vieux collègue italien !*
*Il est arrivé à faire pousser sa vi...
This shoot (from back in February 2012) was so fun, because,
1. I was working with a very photogenic couple,
2. I was shooting at a location that I had nev...
10 commentaires:
How beautiful the childhood is. Great photo.
Greetings from Spain.
Remember how me and friends wanted to find out, either through lifting of stones, climbing trees etc. Guess it is very important to dare to find out, as it includes also to be 'second strongest'.
Excuse for missing to leave comments, but time went 'too fast' and I am still a step behind.
Please have a nice start into the new week/month.
Pourquoi ? 'faut qui en ai un qui soit plus fort ? Moi je les trouve très forts tous les deux ! 'sûr qui en a un qui est plus fort... mais en quoi et pourquoi...? Ahlala ! Notre monde occidental cultive le "challenge" ( j'adore ce mot... je ne sais pas pourquoi d'ailleurs ?... ) et... et je déteste ça plus que tout !
Bisous très très forts Loulou !
@Jeff34 : Es tu si sur que ce soit le monde occidental qui cultive le challenge ?
Jette un œil à la description (par une occidentale) de la pre-school indienne où va son fils :
Je pense que la compétition existe depuis toujours et dans toutes les cultures. La loi de la jungle...euh pardon, du plus fort a toujours été de mise.
This is such a charming photo. I love pictures of kids like this, you can imagine how they tick, what their lives are like, their dreams and ambitions.. it's all there on their face, written in innocence.
As for whose strongest, isn't there a saying about "it's always the quiet ones"?...
Beautiful photographs, LouLou. Wonderful to visit India via your site. I'm wondering if you and your friends in India would be interested to contribute your work to an exhibition in NYC September 10.
The details are here:
Please take a look.
Best, Matthew Rose/Paris, France
@Arnaud : C'est pas un scoop... La loi du plus fort existe depuis... loin ! Pour moi, c'est toute la connotation qu'il y a derrière le mot "challenge" qui ne me plait pas ! La compétition se partage ensemble... Un "challenge" est un défi et isole les individus ! C'est mon point de vue !...
Very nice portrait!
Hi Loulou, I think it is the taller boy on the right side of the photo... not because he is taller, but because he has his bottle of magic strength potion in his hand (sort of like Asterix)?
Cute kids. This photo freshens up my childhood memories... Nice capture!
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