samedi 27 mars 2010

Attendre nonchalamment - To wait nonchalantly

More about Mathura

5 commentaires:

Kcalpesh a dit…

That's my India :-) What a relaxed business :-)

Pixellicious Photos

@eloh a dit…

Is it just me, or does this guy remind anyone else of George Clooney?

Anonyme a dit…

Mais il attend quoi ? des clients ?

Les Saturnin a dit…

Cet homme, nonchalant... me touche beaucoup...tout est tellement différent... une expression de liberté, que nous n'avons plus ici ... c'est fascinant...

Anita a dit…

Nice shot.
He has his own little comfortable world in a cocoon like setting.

(eloh - I see a little Clooney in his face, too)