The Indian tallest brick minaret (72.5 meters). The complex is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A beautiful site with garden where to walk around on Sundays... before celebrating Holi tomorrow...
Minaret en pierre le plus haut en Inde (il mesure 72,5 m). Inscrit au Patrimoine de l'Unesco. Un bel endroit où il fait bon se promener le dimanche après-midi... avant de célébrer Holi demain !
Are you sure this isn't the control tower for an ancient airport ???
How is it that we have never heard of such wonderful places, or at least hadn't heard of them until Loulou came along to enlighten us and brighten our days with insight into all these fabulous places...
Encore Loulou ! Encore et encore, on ne se lasse pas du tout de ce voyage que tu nous offres...
"When asked which picture is my best, I answer: I hope to shoot it tomorrow", Marc Riboud.
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or your daily 'rendez vous' with India since 2008!
Not Just Furniture Ikea S Restaurant Bistro And Food Market Will Be Closed
Too Home Decor Singapore Ikea Restaurant Ikea Meatballs Ikea Singapore Ikea
*Tetti sottani - Pradeboni ( Piémont italien )*
*Comme il est bien malin mon ami Nanni, mon vieux collègue italien !*
*Il est arrivé à faire pousser sa vi...
This shoot (from back in February 2012) was so fun, because,
1. I was working with a very photogenic couple,
2. I was shooting at a location that I had nev...
9 commentaires:
Are you sure this isn't the control tower for an ancient airport ???
How is it that we have never heard of such wonderful places, or at least hadn't heard of them until Loulou came along to enlighten us and brighten our days with insight into all these fabulous places...
Encore Loulou ! Encore et encore, on ne se lasse pas du tout de ce voyage que tu nous offres...
Great pictures and a very interesting post!
Joyeux Holi demain, plein plein de couleurs !
J'espère que nous aurons l'occasion de voir cela au travers de ton objectif.
C'est impressionnant cette tour !
Je suis passe devnt si souvent, 'commuting' entre Gurgaon et GK2!
magnifique prise de vue , avec l'avion à côté qui parait si petit !
Superb shot! And I'm rolling in laughter over Owen's question! ;)
Impresionant tower and amazing plane!
Je ne savais pas que les tours de contrôle avait cet aspect en Inde ! Nespa cher Owen ?...
ça ressemble pas un peu aussi à la tour de Pise ?...:)
Bon, bien, courage pour arriver tout en haut...!
Bises Loulou...:)
A bientôt...
T'es là ou quoi ?
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