mardi 7 juillet 2009

Weird Birdy Man - Etrange Homme Oiseau

New Delhi zoo

11 commentaires:

Batteson.Ind a dit…

What an incredible looking bird!!! That would be a terrifying thing to run into if you hadn't seen one before! It's ver arthur Rackham.. love it!

Cynthia Pittmann a dit…

Couldn't agree with you more!!! And imagine if it was a form of human evolutionary expression? maybe it is?? <3

Owen a dit…

He does look strangely human... how weird ! Something about his legs, I see an old man walking there... what is it ???

ArtSparker a dit…

Un philosophe.

Loulou a dit…

Good evening everybody. What an encounter you're right. It seemed so...human to me as well! It was walking slowly, like unreal in a way...
I am afraid I don't know which type of bird it was, sorry...
We may ask Arnaud about that ;-)
Take care

robert a dit…

He probably know more about the place where he's living, than me about mine.
Miss walking through a forest...thank you for that photography.

Anonyme a dit…

Great title Loulou! He really is a weirdo!!! Nice photo!

Babzy.B a dit…

Quel drôle d'oiseau :)

Tiago Ralha a dit…

Its an ALIEN :)

jeff a dit…

Ton pélican n'a pas de crampes aux pattes-jambes depuis hier ? Ceci dit, quel magnifique zoo !...;)

Arnaud a dit…

Je dirai "Leptoptilos javanicus" (Marabout chevelu).
Mais ce n'est pas moi le specialiste,