vendredi 14 octobre 2011


3 years and almost 1,000 photographs. A beautiful objective by the end of the year...
In the meantime...

I will showcase a selection of photographs at the Hyatt on Monday, come and see me!

6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Ah , des couleurs magnifiques et magiques, merci !

Oakland Daily Photo a dit…

Stunning collage of your work.

Rakesh Vanamali a dit…

Brilliant collage!

Good luck on the exhibition and do have a wonderful weekend!

Anonyme a dit…

I admire your work so much - it is an honor to follow your blog!

I have been absent due to health reasons, but am back now.

Good luck on your exhibition!

JL LEAL a dit…

Suerte con la exposicion!

Anonyme a dit…

well done philippe! (did I get the name right?)