jeudi 30 juin 2011

Les 4 cônes - The Four Cones

8 commentaires:

MyVintageCameras a dit…

WOW! Those are vibrant colors! But almost everything in India seems very alive and vibrant.

Anonyme a dit…

What a promise !

Please have a good new month you all.

daily athens

Anonyme a dit…

I got a new computer monitor and have been going back through some of your older posts and revisiting them. What a difference! I am even more in awe of your stunning work!!! Thank you so much for sharing your world in such a beautiful way!!!

jeff a dit…

J'ai eu peur !...:)

Unknown a dit…

wow..gorgeous pic, as ususal, thanks :-)have a lovely sunday

Owen a dit…

Something has changed here, I thought things only came in "threes" on Indiaphragme... ?

Carina Felice, Photography a dit…

wow, my eyes are having a party:)

Marielle a dit…

Quel magnifque blog, vos photos sont un réel plaisir pour les yeux !!
Merci chère Loulou.