samedi 14 mai 2011

Graphisme - Graphism

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Your potter series is poetry without words. The potter, with his own hands, turns a lump of clay into a plain pot ... sometimes it breaks before it is finished. Although plain and not considered beautiful, this single plain pot, when gathered together with others ... becomes a beautiful work of art.

Very moving. Very good.

Anonyme a dit…

Une vrai belle série !

Anita a dit…

I've been away and need to look back at more of your potter series, however, I agree with Clytie on this one - it's a beautiful work of art.

jeff a dit…

Je vois que tu es une adepte des ventouses...
Non, sérieux, ta photo est très esthétique ! J'aime beaucoup cette série d'ouvertures alignées, ces poteries ouvertes vers l'objectif !
