samedi 15 janvier 2011

Les Moines à la prière - Monks are praying

Nyingmapa Tibetan Monastery, South India

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

My eyes almost can't take in the vibrant colors and textures of this picture! I could sit and look at this for a long, long time -- and probably not see everything that is here.

Anonyme a dit…

Life felt better while looking at this great picture. Please have you all a good Sunday.

daily athens

Owen a dit…

Seems like some of them were just as curious about you as you were about them...

Hope your were not near Kerala...

jeff a dit…

C'est ce qu'on appelle un parterre de moines ! ! !...:)
Mais comment fais-tu pour avoir l'autorisation de prendre des photos ?...:)


Anonyme a dit…

Je peux difficilement imaginé un lieu de prières avec autant de monde en même temps !